Nice Java tech talks!
2020, Apr 09
I am often asked to share the list of java tech talks which are really nice and detailed about certain topics. I usually refer them time to time, to keep up on those topics.
Note: I will keep updating this page, since i have links of videos scattered in my notes.
Core JVM
- Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: The Java Memory Model
- Understanding Java Garbage Collection
Java Collections
- From Java Code to Java Heap: Understanding the Memory Usage of Your Application
- Field Guide to Java Collections
Java Concurrency
- Comparing different concurrency models on the JVM
- Combining Collections and Concurrency
- The Secrets of Concurrency, Heinz Kabutz
- Understanding the Disruptor, a Beginner’s Guide to Hardcore Concurrency -Trisha Gee & Mike Barker
- Concurrency options on JVM
- Thinking in Parallel