Strategy - Behavioral Design Pattern
2019, Feb 12
📡 Strategy
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
// 1. Define the interface of the algorithm
interface Strategy {
void solve();
// 2. Bury implementation
abstract class StrategySolution implements Strategy {
// 3. Template Method
public void solve() {
while (nextTry() && !isSolution()) {}
abstract void start();
abstract boolean nextTry();
abstract boolean isSolution();
abstract void stop();
class FOO extends StrategySolution {
private int state = 1;
protected void start() {
System.out.print("Start ");
protected void stop() {
protected boolean nextTry() {
System.out.print("NextTry-" + state++ + " ");
return true;
protected boolean isSolution() {
System.out.print("IsSolution-" + (state == 3) + " ");
return (state == 3);
// 2. Bury implementation
abstract class StrategySearch implements Strategy {
// 3. Template Method
public void solve() {
while (true) {
if (search()) {
abstract void preProcess();
abstract boolean search();
abstract void postProcess();
class BAR extends StrategySearch {
private int state = 1;
protected void preProcess() {
System.out.print("PreProcess ");
protected void postProcess() {
System.out.print("PostProcess ");
protected boolean search() {
System.out.print("Search-" + state++ + " ");
return state == 3 ? true : false;
// 4. Clients couple strictly to the interface
public class StrategyDemo {
// client code here
private static void execute(Strategy strategy) {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Strategy[] algorithms = {new FOO(), new BAR()};
for (Strategy algorithm : algorithms) {