Abstract Factory - Creational Design Pattern
2019, Feb 10
🔨 Abstract Factory
A factory of factories; a factory that groups the individual but related/dependent factories together without specifying their concrete classes.
interface Door {
public function getDescription();
class WoodenDoor implements Door {
public function getDescription() {
return "I am a wooden door";
class IronDoor implements Door {
public function getDescription() {
return "I am an iron door";
// experts
interface DoorFittingExpert {
public function getDescription();
class Welder implements DoorFittingExpert {
public function getDescription() {
return "I can only fit iron doors";
class Carpenter implements DoorFittingExpert {
public function getDescription() {
return "I can only fit wooden doors";
// Solving a problem we need problem factory.
interface DoorFactory {
public Door makeDoor();
public DoorFittingExpert makeFittingExpert();
class WoodenDoorFactory implements DoorFactory {
public Door makeDoor() {
return new WoodenDoor();
public DoorFittingExpert makeFittingExpert() {
return new Carpenter();
class IronDoorFactory implements DoorFactory {
public Door makeDoor() {
return new IronDoor();
public DoorFittingExpert makeFittingExpert() {
return new Welder();
When to use? When there are interrelated dependencies with not-that-simple creation logic involved