Bloom Filter (Python)
2020, Jul 20
Test Code
n = 2_00_00_000 # number of items to add
p = 0.000001 # false positive probability
bloomf = BloomFilter(n, p)
for item in ['abound', 'abounds', 'abundance', 'abundant']:
print(bloomf.check('abound')) # False
print(bloomf.check('abounds')) # True
from bitarray import bitarray
import mmh3
import math
class BloomFilter:
def __init__(self, items_count: int, fp_prob: float) -> None:
:param items_count: int
Number of items expected to be stored in bloom filter
:param fp_prob: float
False Positive probability in decimal
# False possible probability in decimal
self.fp_prob = fp_prob
# Size of bit array to use
self.size = self.get_size(items_count, fp_prob)
# number of hash functions to use
self.hash_count = self.get_hash_count(self.size, items_count)
# Bit array of given size
self.bit_array = bitarray(self.size)
def add(self, item):
Add an item in the filter
:param item:
for i in range(self.hash_count):
digest = mmh3.hash(item, i) % self.size
self.bit_array[digest] = True
def check(self, item):
Check for existence of an item in filter
:param item:
for i in range(self.hash_count):
digest = mmh3.hash(item, i) % self.size
if not self.bit_array[digest]:
return False
return True
def get_size(cls, n: int, p: float):
Return the size of bit array(m) to used using
following formula
m = -(n * lg(p)) / (lg(2)^2)
:param n : int
number of items expected to be stored in filter
:param p : float
False Positive probability in decimal
m = - (n * math.log(p)) / (math.log(2) ** 2)
return int(m)
def get_hash_count(cls, m: int, n: int):
Return the hash function(k) to be used using
following formula
k = (m/n) * lg(2)
:param m:int
size of bit array
:param n:int
number of items expected to be stored in filter
:return: int
k = (m / n) * math.log(2)
return int(k)